Monday, January 14, 2008


I still have not ventured out to the storage closet... This word is for my husband. Not because he is flippant, but because he gets great joy out of using it incorrectly.

flippant \flip-uhnt\, adjective
1. frivolously disrespectful, shallow, or lacking in seriousness; characterized by levity.
2. Marked by disrespectful levity or casualness; pert.

This is how he likes to use it: Stop being a flippant! This is how it is actually used: Her mother was shocked by her flippant reply.

Sunday, January 13, 2008


I just found out that my dictionary is in a box in my storage closet. It's about 25 degrees outside so I didn't really want to go dig through it right now. I decided to find my first word on's "word of the day" page.

Supplicate \SUP-luh-kayt\, intransitive verb:
1. To make a humble and earnest petition; to pray humbly.

transitive verb:
1. To seek or ask for humbly and earnestly.
2. To make a humble petition to; to beseech.

Supplicate derives from the past participle of Latin supplicare, from supplex, "entreating for mercy." The noun form is supplication.